聖路加国際大学 大学院看護学研究科2022

女性を中心に、パートナー、子ども、家族、コミュニティを対象とした助産ケアを追究します。妊娠・分娩・産褥・新生児期のマタニティ・サイクルにおける助産ケアの質向上を目指すほか、性暴力被害者支援、ペリネイタル・ロスへの支援など社会の片隅に追いやられている課題にも取り組んでいます。国際母子保健に関する研究や、助産管理、助産教育に関する研究も行っています。エビデンスを<創る><使える>人材を育成します。This course pursues midwifery care, which is centered on women, but also includes their partners, children, family, and community. The aim is to provide superior care throughout a woman’s reproductive cycle of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the puerperium and neonatal periods. It also involves marginalized issues like support for victims of sexual abuse and patients dealing with perinatal loss, and other related issues. Research on global maternal and child health as well as midwifery administration and midwifery education is conducted. We nurture human resources who can create and apply evidence in nursing. 助産学Midwifery堀内 成子 教授HORIUCHI Shigeko Professor片岡 弥恵子 教授KATAOKA Yaeko Professor人々の健康や生活を支援するという看護の目的の達成に向けて、質の高い保健医療サービスの提供に必要な要素を、看護学の視点から探究します。具体的には、ヘルスケアに関わる社会の状況や制度・政策、人材育成、医療の質とその評価、課題解決へ向けた戦略的なマネジメント、意思決定における倫理的なリーダーシップなどについて学びます。複雑性を増す社会の中で、人々の多様な価値観やニーズの存在を理解し、多角的に課題を捉え解決に導くことができる、未来の看護リーダーを育成します。In Nursing Administration, the elements involved in the provision of high-quality healthcare services are studied based on scientific nursing principles aimed at the accomplishment of the ultimate goal of nursing, which is to support people’s health and wellbeing. In practical terms it means that students learn to understand the social situation, the systems and policies involved in healthcare, training of human resources, quality of healthcare and its assessment, strategic problem-solving management, and moral leadership involved in decision making. Within a society that is becoming increasingly complex, future nurse leaders are thus equipped with the necessary knowledge of the diversity of people’s value systems and needs, and the ability to approach every issue from all possible angles to achieve the best solution.看護管理学Nursing Administration奥 裕美 教授OKU Hiromi Professor国際看護とは、世界の人々のよりよい健康維持・改善のために、グローバルヘルスの課題を学び、看護職者として、科学的根拠に基づく研究や活動を行います。新たな国連の目標であるSustainable development goalsを軸に、母子保健、感染症、慢性疾患、ユニバーサルヘルスカバレッジ、環境問題などについて学びます。海外へのフィールドワーク、インターンシップを通して、グローバルヘルスの課題に対して貢献する研究能力やリーダーシップの技術を磨きます。WHOなどの国際機関や政府機関、NGO、JICA、アカデミアなどで活躍するグローバルヘルスリーダーを育成します。The Global Health Nursing course covers academic studies and practical research in technical and leadership skills. The multicultural student body provides exposure to various perspectives on global health issues, basically taught through lectures, seminars and student presentations, while evidence-based research and related activities in global health are practically applied. Issues covered include new United Nations sustainable development goals and targets, maternal and child health, infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, universal health coverage, and environmental problems. Overseas fieldwork and internships also provide opportunities to refine research and leadership skills in global health. Graduates move on to international institutions like WHO, governmental agencies, NGOs, JICA, academia, etc.国際看護学Global Health Nursing大田 えりか 教授OTA Erika Professor12Guide Book 2022

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