聖路加国際大学 大学院看護学研究科2022

近年のわが国および世界で、小児看護が求められる場面は高度化・複雑化・長期化しています。大学院では、小児看護学全般の知識・理論を基盤としながら、高度な実践および研究を用いて、子どもと家族のQOL向上の実現を目指します。さらに、子どもと家族のそれぞれの健康レベルに合った最大限の自立を促進する看護を探究します。実践や研究のフィールドは医療現場、保育園、学校などさまざまで、多施設協働研究も行っています。In recent years, needs for pediatric nursing have become increasingly specialized, complicated and long-term-oriented, both in Japan and globally. Postgraduate studies are focused on improving the quality of life of children and their families by applying high-level practical skills and research to basic pediatric nursing principles. We also pusue nursing care that will lead to maximal independence based on the health level of both the child and the family. Practical training and research is performed at various institutions including hospitals, childcare centres, schools, etc. 小児看護学Child Health Nursing小林 京子 教授KOBAYASHI Kyoko Professor脳神経科学分野の自然科学研究を応用しながら、全人的に中枢神経系疾患患者の看護を追究する学問領域であり、脳卒中、頭部外傷、パーキンソン病などの神経変性疾患による意識・運動・感覚障害を持つ患者とその家族の看護を専門とします。科学研究を応用した先端技術の看護を追究する一方で、遷延性意識障害といった重症脳神経障害患者と家族に焦点を当て、生命倫理やアドボカシー、QOLの観点からも学び、高度な実践ができる看護師およびエビデンスを創生する研究者を育成します。The specialized academic discipline of Neuroscience Nursing involves a holistic approach to the nursing care of patients with consciousness, movement, and perception disturbances due to such neurological disorders as stroke, head injury, Parkinson’s disease, etc. and their families; while natural science-based research methods are used to explore how to improve nursing practice. While pursuing scientifically evidenced frontline technological nursing advances on the one hand, studies are also focused on patients with severe brain damage including persistent consciousness disturbance and their families from bioethical, advocacy, and QOL viewpoints, providing students the opportunity to grow into highly skilled nursing professionals and evidence-generating researchers.大久保 暢子 准教授OKUBO NobukoAssociate Professorニューロサイエンス看護学Neuroscience Nursing遺伝医療は親から子に伝わるという継承(heredity)だけでなく、多様性(variation)という視点が重要になります。「対象」「場」「時間」の多様性に富む中で、問題・課題に多角的に取り組む領域です。「遺伝」という視点を持って医療・社会を見つめなおすと、看護実践・研究はより深いものになります。高度な専門的知識・技能・研究能力を修得し、確かなエビデンスと豊かな感性を持って遺伝医療を探究します。上級実践コースでは、遺伝医療の対象となる人々が情報を有効に活用して意思決定できるように、遺伝カウンセリング等の実践力向上に必要な知識・技術・態度を学びます。Genetic Medicine focuses both on heredity in the form of transmitting genetic material from parents to offspring, as well as variation in the form of diversity. In this field, issues are handled from the widely diverse perspectives of “target,” “place”, and “time.” By looking at medical care and society from the viewpoint of heredity, nursing practice and research take on a deeper meaning. We explore genetic medicine based on accurate evidence with high sensitivity collected making use of advanced expertise, skill, and research ability. In the senior practice course, students learn the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to improve their practical skills in genetic counseling to help those who seek advice make effective informed decisions. 青木 美紀子 准教授AOKI MikikoAssociate Professor遺伝看護学Genetics Nursing13St. Luke’s International University

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