聖路加国際大学 大学院看護学研究科2022

精神科看護の急性期ケアから地域生活支援まで、ケア対象者の強みに注目し、リカバリ(回復)を志向したケアを探究します。質的研究方法と査読者の教育、コロナ禍における専門職・市民へのリモート支援などの研究を行っています。精神専門看護師(リエゾン看護師)や精神科訪問看護師との事例検討会、卒後教育、聖路加国際病院訪問看護ステーションからの精神科訪問看護などの臨床活動も行っています。Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing is aimed at recovery-oriented nursing care that strengthens patients receiving care from the acute phase through support for life in the community. Qualitative research methods and peer reviewer education and remort support for professionals and citizens in the Corona disaster are performed. Case studies are performed in cooperation with liaison nurses specialised in psychiatry and psychiatry home care nursing, and clinical activities are conducted with home-visiting nurses from St. Luke’s home care service. 精神看護学Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing萱間 真美 教授KAYAMA Mami Professor女性の一生涯にわたる健康を追究する領域です。各ライフステージで起こりうる心身の変化を持ちながら、健康であり続けることを支援します。また、疾患や障がいと生殖の問題、それらに直面する女性とパートナー、子ども、コミュニティも看護の対象としています。性教育、家族計画、生殖看護など、リプロダクティブ・ヘルスにおける社会の要請に応える支援にも取り組んでいます。研究と実践を連動させ、ウィメンズヘルス看護に大きく貢献できる人材として、母性看護専門看護師(CNS)や研究者を育成します。This field pursues the health of women throughout their entire lives. Women’s health is supported throughout the physical and emotional changes they undergo in each life stage. Nursing in this field does not only cover the woman who is facing a disease, or disability, and reproductive issue, but also her partner, children, and her wider community. Nurses specialized in this field also support the reproductive health needs of society, including such activities as sex education, family planning, and reproductive nursing. The research conducted at this department is narrowly linked to practice and clinical application to ensure that the certified nurse specialists (CNS) and researchers we nurture here will become human resources who can meaningfully contribute to Women’s Health Nursing.ウィメンズヘルスWomen’s Health Nursing五十嵐 ゆかり 教授IGARASHI YukariProfessor心理学は、“こころ”という直接見ることのできない対象を扱う学問です。看護心理学では、“こころ”の在り方を捉える、あるいは測定するためのさまざまな手法を理解し、研究活動の基礎力を養うことが目標となります。また、人間の行動と心理的状態について理解することに関わる心理学の基礎概念を学び、それらを用いて看護の現場で出会う人々の心の在り方を科学的に洞察し、最終的に、看護実践において心理学の知識を踏まえた対処・支援を行うことができるようになることを目指します。Psychology is a study that handles the directly invisible subject known as the “mind”. In Psychology Nursing, students work to understand the various methods for grasping and measuring how the “mind” exists and cultivate the fundamentals of research activities. Students will also learn the basic principles of psychology involved in the understanding of human actions and the psychological condition. Using this, they will gain scientific insight on the minds of the people they meet in their work with the ultimate goal of becoming able to handle and support these people in their nursing practice through the teachings of psychology.看護心理学Psychology Nursing糟谷 知香江 教授KASUYA ChikaeProfessor14Guide Book 2022

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