聖路加国際大学 大学院看護学研究科2022

急性期の対象と家族のQOLの維持・向上を目指し、早期回復とその人らしい望ましい生活の獲得への看護を探究します。修士論文コースでは急性期のみならず、健康支援に必要な理論やエビデンスの理解を深め、急性期の健康課題に対する高い研究能力の獲得を目指します。上級実践コースでは、急性期の対象に高度な看護実践を行い、QOLを高める看護実践能力の獲得を目指します。博士後期課程では、健康各期の連続性を見据え、急性期の健康課題への新たな看護支援方法の開発を行っていきます。Critical Care Nursing explores all elements of acute-stage nursing, including QOL maintenance and improvement of patients and their families, with the aim of early recovery and patient satisfaction with life. The master’s thesis course provides a deeper understanding of the theories and evidence of nursing care in the acute stage and health support in general, equipping students with high-level research skills into critical care health issues. The master’s advanced practicum course teaches progressive nursing practice skills in critical care nursing that can improve patients’ QOL. In doctoral programs, nursing support systems specifically addressing acute-stage health issues are developed to ensure continuity between the different stages of health.急性期看護学Critical Care Nursing吉田 俊子 教授YOSHIDA ToshikoProfessor生命科学とヘルスケアの領域における人間の行為を、道徳的価値と諸原則等に照らして、学際的および体系的に研究します。看護倫理学では、生命倫理学の基盤を踏まえ、看護実践で生じる倫理的課題や看護者の葛藤を明らかにし、倫理的な看護実践およびその基盤を追究していきます。具体的なアプローチをさまざまな専門職や一般市民と協働して提案できる研究者、臨床現場で生命倫理学の基盤やその方法論をもとにして、臨床倫理委員会や倫理コンサルテーションの体制づくり、倫理教育プログラムの構築ができる人材を育成します。Students in this course will both integratively and systematically research the actions humans take in the areas of bioethics and healthcare with a focus on moral value and various principles. In Nursing Ethics, students will make clear the ethical dilemmas and conflicts caregivers face in nursing practice and investigate ethical nursing and its foundation from a bioethical basis. We will cultivate researchers capable of cooperating with specialists and the general public and offering specific solutions, and professionals capable of structuring clinical ethics committees and ethical consultation services in their clinical practice under the foundation of bioethics and its methodologies.鶴若 麻理 教授TSURUWAKA MariProfessor生命倫理学・看護倫理学Bioethics/Nursing Ethics慢性長期的な経過を辿る疾患とともに生きる患者とその家族の特徴の理解、さまざまな療養過程と各期における看護介入など、慢性期看護に必須の概念・理論を学び実践方法を探究しています。演習では聖路加国際病院をはじめ各専門病院、大学病院における臨床実践を通じて、実践に適用可能なモデルの開発を目指します。Students study theories and principles behind nursing care that support patients living with chronic long-term medical issues and their families. They undergo training to understand the concerned diseases and their courses, and to learn how to apply practical nursing interventions at the various stages. Practical training is provided at St. Luke’s International Hospital and other specialized institutions and university hospitals with the aim of enabling them to develop models that can be applied in practice. 多岐にわたる治療を受けるさまざまな病期のがん患者とその家族の特徴の理解、また苦痛症状のある患者に対する看護介入など、がん看護や緩和ケアにまつわる概念・理論と実践方法を探究しています。上級実践コースでは聖路加国際病院ならびにがん専門病院等における実習や、臨床の第一線で活躍するがん看護専門看護師による直接指導のもと、より高度な看護実践能力を育成します。The concepts and theories supporting practical methods of cancer nursing care and palliative treatment are explored as students learn to understand the features of cancer patients with different kinds of cancer and at different stages of the disease, as well as the characteristics of the concerned families. They also learn appropriate nursing care methods and interventions including the treatment of cancer pain. In the advanced course, students undergo practical training at St. Luke’s International Hospital and other cancer institutions under the direct clinical guidance of cancer nursing professionals working on the frontline to nurture superior practical nursing skills. 林 直子 教授HAYASHI NaokoProfessor慢性期看護学/がん看護学・緩和ケアChronic Illness and Conditions NursingOncology Nursing and Palliative Care15St. Luke’s International University

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