聖路加国際大学 大学院看護学研究科2022

多様で複雑な健康・医療情報に翻弄されず、市民や患者が適切に意思決定し、生涯を通じて学び成長できるための支援を目的としています。そのために、健康問題やストレスに直面しても、社会の一員として、自らの目標を達成し、潜在的な力を成長させる力としてのヘルスリテラシー(的確に情報を入手、理解、評価、意思決定する力)について研究します。そこで必要となる、意思決定、ヘルスプロモーション、ヘルスコミュニケーション、健康社会学の理論と社会調査・統計学の知識とスキルを修得します。This course is intended to learn how to support patients and other members of the general public to continue studying throughout their lives so that they can make informed decisions on medical matters without being confused and overwhelmed by all the available health-related medical information. Students research how to set an aim as a member of society facing health problems and stress, stretching their health literacy potential to the maximum (by obtaining accurate information, and then being able to understand it, evaluate it, and act accordingly). Skills like decision-making, health-promotion, health communication, and knowledge of health sociology theory, social surveys, and statistics are learnt and applied. 看護情報学Nursing Informatics中山 和弘 教授NAKAYAMA KazuhiroProfessor虚弱、認知症、慢性疾患などを持つ高齢者とその家族を対象とした看護、ヘルスプロモーション支援を探究します。修士論文コースでは、理論的基盤の上に、高度な研究能力の修得を、上級実践コースでは、高度看護実践能力を身につけ老人看護専門看護師取得を目指します。博士課程では、テーマに関する文献レビューと概念分析を行い、研究方法やデータ解析の検討後に予備的な研究を進め、博士論文の作成へつなげます。両課程とも、希望者は欧米豪の大学での研修が可能です。Nursing and health-promoting support of older adults who are frail, senile, or have other chronic diseases, and their families, are explored. In the master’s course, students learn highly sophisticated research methods based on sound theories, and in the advanced practical course, students obtain superior practical skills in geriatric nursing care. In the doctoral course, students perform literature reviews and analysis of theories, and after reviewing research methodologies and statistical data handling, they engage in preliminary research that can be incorporated into their dissertation. For both courses, students can undergo some of the training at universities in Europe, America, and Australia if they wish to.老年看護学Gerontological Nursing亀井 智子 教授KAMEI TomokoProfessor本講座では、記述統計学および推測統計学の基礎を学び、保健統計指標や量的研究結果を正しく理解し、利用することができるようになることを目指します。統計学の基本的考え方をはじめ、仮説検定理論、P値、信頼区間、生存時間解析としてのカプランマイヤー法などを学びます。また、実際の研究論文を題材とし、講義と批判的吟味の実習を通して、ランダム化試験やその他疫学研究デザインの原理について理解を深めます。The educational activities of this department are intended to have knowledge of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to properly understand and interpret health statistics reports and quantitative study results. This course will provide students with thorough understanding of the basics of statistics, such as principles of hypothesis testing, P-value, confidence interval, and the Kaplan-Meier method. We will discuss the design and principles of randomised controlled trials, as well as the other epidemiological studies through lectures and critical appraisal skills training.看護疫学・統計学Epidemiology and Biostatistics for Nursing八重 ゆかり 教授YAJU YukariProfessor16Guide Book 2022

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