聖路加国際大学 大学院看護学研究科2022

公衆衛生看護学は、社会や組織・集団に働きかけ、個人や家族への支援と社会・組織・集団への支援が連動するところに特徴があります。行政・産業・学校・その他の公衆衛生看護領域における人々の健康、および保健・医療・福祉システムに関する諸課題について、さまざまな視点から捉え、対応するための、またよりよい実践のための方法論を探究・創造していきます。自立・自律した実践力と研究能力の修得を目指します。Public health nursing is characterized by involvement in society, organizations, and groups. It is inherently concerned with support of individuals and families, including support in society, organizations, and groups. To find better ways of approaching problems and issues involving health, medical care, and welfare services as encountered in governmental, industrial, educational, and other bodies in the field of public health, various standpoints are taken, and methodologies are searched and developed with the ultimate aim of training students who can act and do research in a meaningful way in practice. 麻原 きよみ 教授ASAHARA KiyomiProfessor公衆衛生看護学Public Health Nursing看護実践は患者や関連するさまざまな他者との社会的相互作用で成り立っており、そのダイナミズムを分析的に理解でき、目的をもって関われることが重要となります。そのためには自身の判断と行動について内省的に理解することが求められます。こうした課題にもっとも関連するのは社会学の中のシンボリック相互作用論であり、そこに理論的基盤を置き、多様で複雑な経験を表現できる質的データを活用した研究展開が有効です。深い解釈力を身につけ理論モデル化ができるように、主要な質的研究法について理論特性と方法を学んでいきます。Nursing practice comprises social interactions between patients and many related persons. For nursing professionals, it is therefore of utmost importance to understand the dynamism of these interactions analytically, and to purposefully participate in the process. To achieve such involvement, it is necessary to develop an introspective understanding of one’s own judgment and behavior. The sociological theory of symbolic interactionism is the closest related to this issue and can serve as a theoretical base to effectively perform research using qualitative data expressing diverse and complicated experiences. In this course, the theoretical characteristics and methods of the main qualitative research processes are studied to obtain in-depth interpretational insight that can be applied to theoretical modeling. 看護社会学Sociology in Nursing木下 康仁 特命教授KINOSHITA YasuhitoSpecially Appointed Professor人々の暮らしに軸足を置いた看護を総じて在宅看護と捉えています。訪問看護だけではなく、病院の外来看護や地域連携における看護活動、さらには施設内の看護も含めて在宅看護であると考えています。病気は地域で予防し治すもの、人々は支え合いながら暮らすものという地域包括ケアの考えに基づき、看護が新しい役割を意識して、働き方を変えていくことが求められています。幅広い話題と対話を通して一緒に学んでまいりましょう。Home Care Nursing is generally considered as nursing that is practiced in people’s homes. However, the concept does not only concern home visitation nursing services, but inherently includes all nursing activities – those inside related facilities like outpatient clinics as well as those involving community cooperation. From the viewpoint of comprehensive community care, disease is both prevented and cured inside the community, where people share living space and are thus connected, supporting each other. The new roles that are now expected of the nursing profession should be clearly defined so that the necessary working style changes can be made to adapt to the needs of society. Please join us and contribute to our learning experience covering a wide array of topics and discussions. 山田 雅子 教授YAMADA MasakoProfessor在宅看護学Home Care Nursing17St. Luke’s International University

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