
2018/11/30 The 30th anniversary of World Aids day Memorial Seminar: AIDS and Universal Health Coverage

The 30th anniversary of World Aids day Memorial Seminar
AIDS and Universal Health Coverage

UNAIDS and St.Luke’s will have an official agreement of collaboration and wish to enhance their dialogue and cooperation, and develop a plan of action to combine and coordinate their efforts to achieve their common goals. They will focus on the promotion of fast-tracking the AIDS response in the Asia Pacific region including Japan, and epidemiological and public health research regarding HIV/AIDS in Asia and Japan, in collaboration with relevant organizations. In commemoration of this agreement, we organize the seminar as follows;

Time & Date:
17:30-19:00 November 30, 2018

Hinohara Hall, OMURA Susumu & Mieko Memorial
St. Luke’s Center for Clinical Academia

“The Journey to End AIDS and accelerate progress towards UHC”
Ms. Gunilla Carlsson
Deputy Executive Director, Management and Governance, UNAIDS, and Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations

“ Integration of Treatment and Prevention in HIV infection”
Dr. Aikichi Iwamoto
Managing Director, Department of Research Promotion, Japan Agency for Medical
Research and Development; Emeritus Professor, University of Tokyo

“The epidemiological situation of HIV/AIDS in Asia”
Dr. Stuart Gilmour
Professor, division of biostatistics and bioinformatics, Graduate School of Public Health, St. Luke’s International University

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St. Luke's International University
Center for International Cooperation
Graduate School of Public Health