
Monthly student and faculty activities and publications (June 2019)


Monthly student activities and publications

A current student of GSPH has published her Capstone Project work in a peer-reviewed international journal. The student is Bibha Dhungel, second year MPH.

Dhungel B, Kita Sugai M, Gilmour S. Trends in Suicide Mortality by Method from 1979 to 2016. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(19): 1784. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16101794. URL:

Monthly faculty activities and publications

Grants received

Dr. Kazunari Onishi received four grants.

19th Joint research program grant: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature. Interdisciplinary study toward clean air, public health and sustainable agriculture: The case of crop residue burning in North India. Period: 5 years. Co-investigator.

Grant in aid for scientific research (JSPS, grant number: 18K10059). Air pollution and health effects in south Asia: A comparison of urban vs. rural health and the effects of mask interventions. Period: 3 years. Coinvestigator.

Grants-in-Aid for scientific research A (17H01616). Elucidation of general process of Asian dust bioaerosol in east Asian desert areas and its cross-border transport route. Period: 4 years. Coinvestigator.

Joint research grant: Arid Land Research Center, Tottori University (29C2007)
Adverse health effect of Asian dust and air pollution in Mongolia. Coinvestigator.

Peer-reviewed publications

Dr. Kuniyoshi Hayashi and Dr. Stuart Gilmour had peer-reviewed publications in international journals in May.

Sugimoto H, Hayashi K, Furukawa K, Mori N. Assessment of stool color in Clostridioides difficile infection: A pilot study. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. 2019. Online First. DOI: 10.1017/ice.2019.125

Dhungel B, Kita Sugai M, Gilmour S. Trends in Suicide Mortality by Method from 1979 to 2016. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019; 16(19): 1784. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16101794.


Invited lectures and seminars

Dr. Satomi Sato

Sato S. 「子どもの能力を引き出す心理師の作戦」。聖路加国際大学 日野原ホール [Strategies to raise a confident child. Hinohara Hall, at St. Luke's International University]. 30th March 2019.

Sato S. 「小児がんのお話」。マーシュアンドマクレナンズカンパニーズ。[All about childhood cancer. Marsh and Mclennan Companies]. 12th April 2019.

Dr. Naoki Ikegami

Round table on international experiences in legislation on practicing doctors Organized by the WHO China Office for the National People's Congress Held Beijing May 8, 2019.

Dr. Kevin Urayama

Urayama KY. Epidemiological efforts in understanding childhood cancers. Global Health Week 2019, Medidata Solutions, Tokyo. May 23, 2019.

Conference presentations

Dr. Hiroyoshi Endo

Professor Endo chaired a symposium on Incurable Disease at The 30th General Assembly of the Japan Medical Congress 2019 Chubu. Nagoya, 29th April, 2019.

Dr. Kazunari Onishi

Onishi K, Sekiyama TT, Kurosaki Y, Shinoda M. Prediction of health effects of cross-border atmospheric pollutants using the Model of Aerosol Species in the Global Atmosphere (MASINGAR). Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) meeting. Makuhari, Chiba, 30th May 2019.

Media coverage

Dr. Kazunari Onishi's article was published in The Mainichi Newspapers.
