Graduate School of Nursing Science


Principles of Nursing Science / Biobehavioral Nursing

In Principles of Nursing Science / Biobehavioral Nursing, various nursing phenomena are researched. Common effects of nursing practice are expressed as data in an attempt to foster a rich concept of nursing science. With the aim of protecting and enhancing people's health, we perform observational and interventional research on-site at health and welfare facilities, and collect biodata from laboratories that are used to develop and transmit practical nursing skills and express the essence of nursing in words.

Nursing Education

We foster clinical nurse educators (CNE) with superior practical skills and future nursing school faculty with excellent research capabilities. At seminars we read a wide variety of material from the published literature, discuss members' own experience, and then go through a real-life process of realizing changes in oursielves through meaningful study. We also explore how to improve our qualities and abilities as nursing professionals, using all possible resources including undergraduate knowledge and on-the-job education. Themes that are researched include how new nurses should develop nursing skills, self-study methods, and empathy and advocacy, among others.

Nursing Administration

Nursing Administration is the study of how to organize efficient nursing practice, utilizing diverse sources efficiently to enable people to improve their health and quality of life, and prepare the environment for institutional nursing practice by supporting practitioners. It is important that all nursing professionals should have administrative knowledge and skills. Postgraduate Nursing Administration students learn to apply administrative theory and methods from the micro level of selfmanagement to the macro level of community and national management.

Global Health Nursing

The Global Health Nursing in St. Luke's International University engages in teaching and research to develop and strengthen technical and leadership skills of students and staff. The department attracts both Japanese and foreign students creating a multicultural environment where students can learn about different contexts. In the department of Global Health Nursing, students learn hands on about global health issues through lectures, seminars and student presentations. We also conduct evidence based research and activities as health care professionals in order to maintain and improve the health of people around the world. Our curriculum includes study of current issues such as the new sustainable development goals and targets in the United Nations; maternal and child health; ectious diseases; non-communicable diseases; universal health coverage; and environmental problems. Through overseas fieldwork and internship, we refine our research capabilities and leadership skills to contribute to global health issues. The department contributes to educating global health leaders who are active in international institutions such as WHO, government agencies, NGOs, JICA, academia etc.


This course pursues midwifery care, which is centered on women, but also includes their partners, children, family, and community. The aim is to provide superior care throughout a woman's reproductive cycle of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and the puerperium and neonatal periods. It also involves marginalized issues like support for victims of sexual abuse and patients dealing with perinatal loss, and other related issues. Research on global maternal and child health as well as midwifery administration and midwifery education is conducted. We nurture human resources who can create and apply evidence in nursing.

Genetics Nursing

Genetic Medicine focuses both on heredity in the form of transmitting genetic material from parents to offspring, as well as variation in the form of diversity. In this field, issues are handled from the widely diverse perspectives of "target," "place" and "time." By looking at medical care and society from the viewpoint of heredity, nursing practice and research take on a deeper meaning. We explore genetic medicine based on accurate evidence with high sensitivity collected making use of advanced expertise, skill and research ability. In the senior practice course, students learn the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes to improve their practical skills in genetic counseling to help those who seek advice make effective informed decisions.

Neuroscience Nursing

In this specialist field of nursing, natural science research is applied to the field of neurology to find better ways of providing nursing care to patients suffering neurological disorders like stroke, head injury, Parkinson's disease, etc. that affect consciousness, movement and emotions. While better nursing practice is pursued by applying natural science research, students learn the essentials of nursing care focused on patients with severe brain damage, from a bioethical viewpoint. We nurture highly skilled nursing professionals and evidence-creating researchers in this field.

Child Health Nursing

In recent years, needs for pediatric nursing have become increasingly specialized, complicated and long-term-oriented, both in Japan and globally. Postgraduate studies are focused on improving the quality of life of children and their families by applying high-level practical skills and research to basic pediatric nursing principles. We also pusue nursing care that will lead to maximal independence based on the health level of both the child and the family. Practical training and research is performed at various institutions including hospitals, childcare centres, schools, etc.

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing is aimed at recovery-oriented nursing care that strenghtens patients receiving care from the acute phase through support for life in the community. Qualitative research methods and peer reviewer education and investigation of outreach system assessments are performed. Case studies are performed in cooperation with liaison nurses specialised in psychiatry and psychiatry home care nurses, and clinical activities are conducted with home-visiting nurses from St. Luke's home care service.

Women's Health Nursing

Nursing care aimed at women facing health issues, diseases, disorders or reproductive problems specific to the various stages of a woman's life, their partners, children and communities is pursued. Sex education, family planning, infertiity care, and other recent social reproductive health-related demands are handled. Research and practice go handin- hand as nursing care professionals who can make large contributions to women's health care are nurtured as maternal health nursing professionals and researchers.

Psychology in Nursing

The two topics of practical research methodology (first semester) and thorough bahavioralism-based care (last semester) are explored. In practical research methodology, methods involved in interviewing, observation, taking of questionnaires and fieldwork are examined. In bahavioralism-based care, we search the true meaning of behavioralism, which is often misunderstood, and ways of applying it to care. This knowledge is then applied to specific research. Finally we try to broaden the practical application of this knowledge maximally.

Chronic Illness and Conditions Nursing

Students study theories and principles behind nursing care that support patients living with chronic long-term medical issues and their families. They undergo training to understand the concerned diseases and their courses, and to learn how to apply practical nursing interventions at the various stages. Practical training is provided at St. Luke's International Hospital and other specialized institutions and university hospitals with the aim of enabling them to develop models that can be applied in practice.

Oncology Nursing and Palliative Care

The concepts and theories supporting practical methods of cancer nursing care and palliative treatment are explored as students learn to understand the features of cancer patients with different kinds of cancer and at different stages of the disease, as well as the characteristics of the concerned families. They also learn appropriate nursing care methods and interventions including the treatment of cancer pain. In the advanced course, students undergo practical training at St. Luke's International Hospital and other cancer institutions under the direct clinical guidance of cancer nursing professionals working at the frontline to nurture superior practical nursing skills.

Adult Nursing (Doctoral Course)

Nursing of patients with various diseases and disorders affecting adult patients, from the acute through the long-term stages, as well as care of the concerned families, are explored based on various theories. Students learn to evaluate the introduction of nursing care interventions to patients in a critical situation and to develop self-care models for patients living with longterm diseases, while covering the different research methodologies involved in research of their dissertation themes.

Critical Care Nursing

Critical Care Nursing involves highly specialized nursing care intended to improve life itself and the quality of life (QOL) of patients and their families during acute medical crises and life-threatening situations. Students learn the physical reactions and psychologcial changes brought about by massive interventions, and the practical application of appropriate nursing theories and concepts. Nursing practitioners with advanced practical abilities are nurtured through practical training in intensive care units and emergency care centers of medical institutions, and by studying case reports by critical care nursing specialists.

Nursing Informatics

This course is intended to learn how to support patients and other members of the general public to continue studying throughout their lives so that they can take informed decisions on medical matters witrhout being confused and overwhelmed by all the available health-related and medical information. Students research how to set an aim as a member of society facing health problems and stress, stretching their health literacy potential to the maximum (by obtaining accurate information, and then be able to understand it, evaluate it, and act accordingly). Skills like decision-making, health-promotion, health communication, and knowledge of health sociology theory, social surveys and statistics are learnt and applied.

Gerontological Nursing

Nursing and health-promoting support of elderly people who are frail, senile or have other long-term diseases, and their families, are explored. In the master's course, students learn highly sophisticated research methods based on sound theories, and in the advanced practical course, students obtain superior practical skills in elderly nursing care. In the doctoral course, students perform literature reviews and analysis of theories, and after reviewing research methodologies and statistical data handling, they engage in preliminary research that can be incorporated into their dissertation. For both courses, students can undergo some of the training at the University of Michigan Geriatrics Center and Institute of Gerontology in the USA if they wish to.

Nursing Statistics

The educational activities of this department are intended to have a knowledge of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to properly understand and interpret health statistics reports and quantitative study results. This course will provide students with thorough understanding of the basics of statistics, such as principle of hypothesis testing, P-value, confidence interval and Kaplan-Meier method. We will discuss the design and principles of randomised controlled trials, as well as the other epidemiological studies through lecture and critical appraisal skills training.

Home Care Nursing

Home care nursing in general concerns nursing that is practiced in people's homes. Home care nursing is provided in nursing care homes and group homes, but it also includes support after discharge from hospital, outpatient care, and liaison with medical institutions in the community. We study how nursing can play new roles and adapt based on the view of comprehensive community care whereby diseases are prevented and cured in the community. In this field we aim to provide a broad academic and practical basis in home care nursing skills and research methodologies.

Public Health Nursing

Public health nursing is characterized by involvement in society, organizations and groups. It is inherently concerned with support of individuals and families, including support in society, organizations and groups. To find better ways of approaching problems and issues involving health, medical care and welfare services as encountered in governmental, industrial, educational and other bodies in the field of public health, various standpoints are taken, and methodologies are searched and developed with the ultimate aim of training students who can act and do research in a meaningful way in practice.

Perianesthesia Nursing

The purpose of perianesthesia nursing is to ensure that patients undergoing treatment that involves anesthesia feel safe throughout the process. Besides learning the basics of clinical physiology, clinical pharmacology, pathophysiology, and risk management, nurses learn about the essentials of anesthesia and its techniques. They acquire the ability to help anesthesiologists from the point of view of nursing and the ability to conduct clinical research. Anesthesia deals with acute illnesses over a broad spectrum. Through simulation practice and problem based learning (PBL), perianesthesia nursing aims at developing the practical ability to deal with patients of all ages, from children through the elderly, in all stages of illness, from acute medicine to chronic and home care.