Careers After Graduation

Career path for graduates

Since it opened in 2017, the program has produced 175 graduated. Approximately 23% of whom have used their studies to change careers such as international organizations, research institutions and policy making jobs. Although approximately 58% are still working at the same place of employment, they are using their education what they do, such as taking on clinical research leadership or management position. Our graduates are engaged in a variety of fields appplying the data analysis, English and problem-solving skills they learned in the program.

Career after graduation N %
Same as before enrollment 102 58%
病院 58  
製薬会社 18  
官公庁 14  
研究機関 8  
その他企業 7  
医療関連企業 1  
学校・教育機関 1  
転職 40 23%
病院 15  
研究機関 7  
医療関連企業 5  
官公庁 5  
国際機関 2  
製薬会社 2  
その他企業 4  
博士後期課程へ進学 19 11%
未定・その他 14 8%
Total 175