Capstone Project Presentation by 9 MPH candidates of GSPH was held.
Capstone Project Presentation by 9 MPH candidates of GSPH was held.
Capstone Project Presentation by 9 students who enrolled in the 1-year MPH, of the first graduating class, was held on January 27th, 2018 from 10:00a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Hinohara hall. They had held repeated deliberations with Capstone supervisors ever since they entered SLGSPH. This was the first event we have ever held in our university, and we had over 60 participants for the presentation of 9 MPH candidates. We would like to express our deepest gratitude. 9 presenters have 20 minutes each for their presentation. They compiled their own research and practical activities to present them in 10 minutes. With another 10minutes, they gave the response in earnest to the questions from their supervisors, referees and other participants, even though some of them were tough questions such as “Did you calculate the sample size properly?” or “How did you confront and deal with bias or confounding?” There were some discussion and reviews via Skype from referees who could not come to the venue. Some of 2-year or 3-year MPH students were voluntarily attended to listen to those presentations. We assume that they might reaffirm their determination to challenge Capstone Project of their own. After the presentation, comments from referees were given to each presenter through Capstone supervisors to make their project report more excellent. Using those comments to proofread, all presenters have completed Capstone Project final submission before the due date of February 10, 2018. We would like to thank all referees and participants for comments from a professional point of view and valuable feedbacks.
〔What is Capstone Project?〕
Capstone Project is a full-year project on a defined topic of choice that demonstrates mastery of relevant public health concepts, and regarded as the culmination of the GSPH curriculum. This will be pursued with close guidance and supervision by the Capstone supervisor, and the submission of project report and Capstone project presentation are the prerequisite for completion. 3 referees per one title will be assigned, and one of them must be the invited external referee.
(Some students received commnets via skype.)