Our Activities

Student activities - Internships/Social Contributions

Social Contribution Activities

Hiroshi Yoshiki, current student in PhD program
Report of workshop for Advance Care Planning (Tokyo)

We carried out Advance Care Planning (ACP)* workshop collaborating with public office and support center for residents’ welfare of Adachi wards targeting the elderly people living alone on July 10, 2024. The agenda of workshop contained 1) lecture for ACP presented by Dr. Shimizu, who is a classmate of graduate school of public health and Iwata-san, who is a medical social worker of Tsukuba Univ. hospital, 2) workshop which participants experienced the process of ACP using the guiding tool. In the workshop session, participants confirmed their loved values and preferences chatting each other. After the workshop, participants responded the improvement of understanding and intention for ACP and moreover, reported the ascension of intention towards social exchange via guiding tool of ACP. I deeply appreciate Prof. Sachiko Ohde and the staff in St. Luke’s, who kindly guided this workshop to valuable one and the staff of Adachi wards, who nicely supported this event.

*Advance Care Planning (ACP) is the process of discussing with a loved one about preferences for future medical care. ACP is defined as a process that supports adults at any age or stage of health in understanding and sharing their personal values, life goals, and preferences regarding future medical care.

Opening session of the workshop

Re-enactment play of ACP in clinical setting by Prof. Ohde and Dr. Shimizu

Internship Opportunities

Institutions for the Previous Internship Opportunities

St. Luke’s International Hospital 
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
National Cancer Center 
National Center for Child Health and Development
National Institute of Infectious Diseases
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) Bangkok Regional Office 
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Tokyo Office 
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA 
Institute for Clinical Research, National Institutes of Health, Malaysia
UNICEF Lebanon Office

Internship Report

Takao Suzuki, MPH program student Place of Internship: National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Center for Surveillance,Immunization, and Epidemiologic Research

Period of internship: From 2024/September/01 to 2025/January/31

Through an introduction from my faculty mentor, Dr. Stuart Gilmour, I got the opportunity to go through an internship under the supervision of Dr. Daisuke Yoneoka at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases. During this internship, I worked as a research assistant on Dr. Yoneoka's research project, and I supported several tasks such as data analysis and manuscript writing. Using survey data on the health of working women, funded by the Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED), we explored the correlation between household income and subjective well-being among working women, as well as the impact of women-specific health issues on this correlation. The results of this research were published as a paper titled “Association Between Income and Well-Being Among Working Women in Japan”. This internship program gave me a valuable opportunity to apply my knowledge of epidemiology and biostatistics, gained through my studies at the university, to real-world research.

Miri Sato, Graduated in AY 2023 MPH Program
Place of Internship: UNICEF Lebanon Office

I had the privilege of doing an internship at UNICEF Lebanon office from August 21st to November 9th, 2023, as a Community Health Worker (CHW) Coordinator. My role was onsite inspection at healthcare facilities and comparative analysis of the CHW program in Lebanon and other countries, such as Malawi and Tanzania. Moreover, I had the opportunity to investigate utilization of the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Handbook in Lebanon, which was the theme of my Capstone Project. It was a fulfilling experience with many opportunities to learn from local health care workers and UNICEF staff. Overall, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my professors at St. Luke’s International University Graduate School of Public Health, supervisors and colleagues at UNICEF Lebanon for their support.

A mobile vaccination unit in collaboration with Lebanese Red Cross and UNICEF

With colleagues in the Lebanon office
Ms. Sato, third from left and supervisor Mr. Kyaw, first from left

Nami Watanabe, Graduated in AY 2019 MPH Program
Place of Internship: St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (US)

From November 17th to November 26th 2019, I had the privilege of visiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Tennessee, the United States for my internship.
One of my main objectives in visiting St. Jude was to learn about late effects surveillance for long-term survivors of childhood cancer. St. Jude offers a multidisciplinary team of pediatric oncologists, nurse practitioners, neuropsychologists, and social workers who provide comprehensive follow-up to improve quality of life after childhood cancer. Throughout my ten-day internship, I got to meet and shadow members of the multidisciplinary team every day. For example, my first day consisted of observing a two-hour neuropsychological testing in addition to shadowing a pediatric oncologist. Although it was only a short ten days, by engaging in experiential learning, I was able to see the big picture of long-term follow up care for childhood cancer survivors. This internship enabled me to reflect what I am learning in more relevant and deeper ways. Overall, my internship experience was extremely enriching and rewarding and I am so thankful to have had such an incredible opportunity.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Risa Otsuka, Graduated in AY 2019 MPH Program
Place of Internship: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) Bangkok Regional Office (Thailand) 

In June 2019 I did an internship at UNAIDS Bangkok Regional Office. My capstone project theme was Barriers to achievement of UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets in Asia and I visited Thailand, Cambodia and Laos to interview key informants and gather data. In addition to the UNAIDS office in Bangkok, I visited the Thai Red Cross Center and Ministry of Public Health and met several people to ask their opinion on the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets. In Cambodia, I went not only to the UNAIDS office in Phnom Penh but also to WHO and NGO offices. In Laos, I visited the UNAIDS office in Vientiane, the WHO office and an ART clinic where I met physicians and organization staff. By meeting people face to face, I could gather useful data for my Capstone project and could understand how targets had been achieved and the current challenges for each country.

United Nations Building in Bangkok

UNAIDS team at Bangkok Regional Office