
Division of Interdisciplinary Sciences

Solution of public health issues heavily relies on its interdisciplinary nature. In addition to courses that appropriately fall within the traditionally recognized core areas of public health, the GSPH continually strives to expand the selection of interdisciplinary topics such as systems thinking and public health nutrition that can help to broaden and enhance the public health perspectives.

Courses Offered by Division Faculty

Introduction to Public Health

In this foundational course, students will learn about the history and philosophy of public health, its development in Japan and globally, as well as understand the changes in disease patterns due to demographic and lifestyle changes, and the accompanying changes in public health practices and policies. This course also provides an understanding of the principles of harm reduction underlying much of public health practice as well as an introduction to calculating the burden of disease.

Systems Thinking

To understand basic concept of systems thinking and obtain ability to apply systems thinking to public health issue.

Introduction to Clinical Medicine

Lecturers specializing in the respective fields of anatomy, histology, physiology, biochemistry, pathology pharmacology, and clinical medicine will give the lecture
The lecture will not merely be one of passively acquiring knowledge, but is designed to be practical with the contents of actual medicine.

Public Health Nutrition

The aim of the field is to gain an understanding of the role of nutrition in health and disease, and to assess and evaluate nutrition interventions aimed to improve health at the individual and population level. The content of the course will combine public health, epidemiology and basic science with focus on nutrition-related health problems. Students will learn about the role of various nutrients in health and disease at different stages of life as well as at the individual and population level. We will discuss the need for a healthier diet which is greater than ever, and how this can be achieved.

Healthcare Innovation

This course will offer the contents necessary to create change in organizations and society related to healthcare, specifically to understand the potential of creating change in organizations and society through intrepreneurship and/or entrepreneurship; to learn how to approach new ideas of creating change and deconstructing them from the perspective of sustainability, be it capitalistic or philanthropic.

Courses offered by Graduate School of Nursing Sciences

Students can take lecture and seminar courses offered by the Graduate School of Nursing Sciences as an adjoining field of public health. (elective courses, up to 6 credits)