
聖路加国際大学大学院公衆衛生学研究科の博士課程のPhuong Nguyenさんの研究がLancet Regional health Western Pacific に掲載されました


聖路加国際大学大学院公衆衛生学研究科の博士課程のPhuong Nguyenさんのベトナムにおける母子保健の進展に関する研究が、Lancet Regional health Western Pacific に掲載されました。

A doctoral student from St. Luke’s International University Graduate School of Public Health has published research on progress towards reproductive, maternal and child health in Vietnam, in the Lancet Regional health Western Pacific

研究論文/Research article:

Nguyen, P. T., Rahman, M. S., Le, P. M., Nguyen, H. Van, Vu, K. D., Nguyen, H. L., … Gilmour, S. (2021). Trends in, projections of, and inequalities in reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health service coverage in Vietnam 2000-2030: A Bayesian analysis at national and sub-national levels. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 15, 100230.

ベトナムの母子保健:2030年の世界目標達成の可能性は低く、不平等の改善も限定的/Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health in Vietnam: Low chance to reach the global targets in 2030 and limited improvement in inequalities.

聖路加国際大学大学院公衆衛生学研究科博士後期課程のPhuong Nguyen氏を中心とする研究者らは、ベトナムにおける母子保健の目標達成に向けた進捗状況に関する調査結果を発表しました。研究者らは、2000年から2014年までのデータを調査し、この重要な健康分野における2030年の主要な世界目標に向けたベトナムの進捗状況を予測しました。この研究結果が、オープンアクセスジャーナル「Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific」に掲載されました。




Researchers from St. Luke’s International University, led by PhD candidate Phuong Nguyen, have published a study of progress towards reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health targets in Vietnam. They studied data for the period 2000 to 2014, and projected the country’s likely progress towards key global goals in 2030 for this important dimension of health. The findings were published in the open-access journal Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific.

The study found that most prevention and treatment indicators improved significantly from 2000–2014, and most indicators will achieve global targets by 2030 at the national level. However, the study found significant gaps between the poorest and wealthiest groups. Additionally, our analyses suggest some regions are lagging and need to pay more attention and resources to progress in maternal and child health. Despite the significant improvements identified in this study, socioeconomic, regional, and urban-rural inequalities still exist in several RMNCH service indicators, impeding UHC achievement in Vietnam.

In particular, the poorest people living in rural areas and the poor regions in Vietnam will not achieve adequate coverage of DPT3, Polio, Measles and full vaccination. In addition, there has been no improvement in socioeconomic, regional, and urban-rural inequalities over 15 years in some reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) services in Vietnam.

The researchers argued that although Vietnam is progressing toward UHC in most RMNCH service indicators, the Vietnamese government must continue to improve and reform the healthcare system, re-allocate resources focusing on vulnerable people, and evaluate and enhance current health programs and interventions. The article ends by describing a scenario in which Vietnam will achieve its UHC targets if it strengthens its health system and social approach to healthcare.