






氏名(課程) 表彰内容
石井 幸乃(看護学部) 在学期間を通じて学業成績が特に優秀であった
青木 南(看護学部(学士編入)) 在学期間を通じて学業成績が特に優秀であった


氏名(課程) 表彰内容
高野 真優子
看護学研究科看護学専攻 修士課程 修士論文コース 成績優秀者
高橋 莉抄
看護学研究科ウィメンズヘルス・助産学専攻 修士課程 学業・成績優秀者
五十嵐 由美子
看護学研究科看護学専攻 博士後期課程 学位論文審査委員会による推薦
浅田 美和
看護学研究科看護学専攻 博士後期課程 学位論文審査委員会による推薦
舩冨 爽子
Excellence in Academic and Research Activities in Maternal and Child Health Issues
Bibha Dhungel
Comprehensive assessment of early reporting of emerging infectious diseases



氏名(課程) 表彰内容(活動内容)
上田 紗羅、島倉 昌希、遠嶋 めい、永野 優美、松下 らむ、三村 絵玲菜、森田 結子、渡部 夏帆(看護学部) コロナ禍における新入生オリエンテーションセミナーの実施(課外活動)
櫻井 洋平、髙野 仁菜、日髙 雅子(看護学部(学士編入)) 人命救助(課外活動)
Nattasit Katchamat(看護学研究科修士課程看護学専攻 聖路加国際大学とタイの学術交流協定校の コロナ禍における国際交流において(国際交流)
今津 さゆり、July Khin Maung Soe(公衆衛生学研究科専門職学位課程公衆衛生学専攻) Demonstrated strong leadership and contributed to the stimulation of the SPH student community(課外活動)

2022 President's Award Recipients

Those who have shown excellent academic performance (College of Nursing)

Name (Program) Reason for Award
Yukino Ishii
(College of Nursing)
This recipient achieved excellent academic performance throughout their time as a student
Minami Aoki
(College of Nursing (Accelerated Program))
This recipient achieved excellent academic performance throughout their time as a student

Students who have attained outstanding achievements in academic research, etc. (Graduate School of Nursing Science, Graduate School of Public Health)

Name (Program) Reason for Award
Mayuko Takano
(Graduate School of Nursing Science, Nursing Studies)
Outstanding Academic Achievement, Master's Thesis Course, Master's Program, Nursing Studies, Graduate School of Nursing Science
Risa Takahashi
(Graduate School of Nursing Science, Women’s Health and Midwifery)
Outstanding Academic and Scholastic Achievement, Master's Program, Women's Health and Midwifery, Graduate School of Nursing Science
Yumiko Igarashi
(Graduate School of Nursing Science, Doctorate in Nursing Studies)
Doctoral Program in Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing Science - Recommendation by Thesis Review Committee
Miwa Asada
(Graduate School of Nursing Science, Doctorate in Nursing Studies)
Doctoral Program in Nursing, Graduate School of Nursing Science - Recommendation by Thesis Review Committee
Sawako Funatomi
(Graduate School of Public Health, Master's Program in Public Health)
Excellence in Academic and Research Activities in Maternal and Child Health Issues
Bibha Dhungel
(Graduate School of Public Health, Doctoral Program in Public Health)
Comprehensive assessment of early reporting of emerging infectious diseases

President's Incentive Award Recipients for the 2022-2023 Academic Year

Those with exceptional achievements as a model to other students during their student life in extracurricular and societal activities, international exchange, etc.

Name (Program) Reason for Award(Activity)
Sara Ueda、Masaki Shimakura、Mei Toshima、Yumi Nagano、Ramu Matsushita、Erena Mimura、Yuko Morita、Kaho Watanabe (College of Nursing) Conduction of Online Christmas Gathering(Extracurricular activities)
Yohei Sakurai、Nina Takano、Masako Hidaka (College of Nursing (Accelerated Program)) Social activity
Nattasit Katchamat(Graduate School of Nursing Science, Nursing Studies) International Exchange
July Khin Maung Soe、July Khin Maung Soe(Graduate School of Public Health, Master's Program in Public Health) Extracurricular Activities and International Exchange