2022年度学位授与式 学長 祝辞(2023年3月10日)
学長 堀内 成子

卒業生の皆さんが本学に在籍していた期間のほぼすべてが、新型コロナウィルス世界的流行に見舞われた時間でした。白楊祭も、クリスマス祝会も、実習も、オンラインという誰も想像しなかった形態になりました。 5月からは新型コロナは、インフルエンザと同じ第5類に分類されると聞くと、ああ、待ちに待ったポスト・コロナ時代が来るのだなあと思います。マスクを外して、おしゃべりする、肩を触れ合う、会食することの楽しさを満喫できると思います。
昨年12月末に歴史編纂室からトイスラー博士の伝記「An Adventure in Christianity」の日本語訳が届きました。私は今からちょうど100年前におきた「関東大震災」のページをめくりました。
その中に「学び その多様性」という章があります。タイトルは『育て直しの場』。「母校聖路加は、私にとって、育てなおされた場であり、生涯の友をもたらしてくれた場であり、職業人生の基礎を培ってくれた場である。」で始まります。学部では「先生方の眼は厳しく、窮屈で仕方がないと思ったこともあったが、それまでの人生で欠けていた自分の意志や主張を明確にして責任を果たすこと、大人の振る舞いを教育された」と「それが育て直された意味だと」。そして、大学院での学びは、「ちっぽけな人生だけれど、苦悩する人のため、看護職として必要だと思うことに信念をもって」、そして次が大切なフレーズです。「誰もやっていないなら自分がやろう」と取り組む。その礎になったのは、大学院で学んだ「看護のスピリット」であると記しています。
Degree Conferral Ceremony, Academic Year 2022,
Congratulatory Address from the President
Congratulations to the 54 Master‘s and 4 doctoral graduate in Nursing Science on your diplomas today, including our graduate from Thailand.
I would also like to say congratulations to the family and friends who so supported everyone here and long awaited for this day. And to the patients who have supported their studies, the many healthcare and medical facility staff, the alumni association, and all those who have shown their support through scholarships and donations up to now, I hereby express my sincerest gratitude.
COVID-19 has affected every part of your studies here from classes to research. Some students were even forced to postpone their studies. Despite this, there were also positives. Changing to online has taught us the joy of face-to-face conversations and made studies more convenient.
I am truly proud of all of you for the diligence and creativity you have shown that allows you to be here today.
Despite various challenges such as disasters and war, this university has opened many paths in the more than 100 years since its founding thanks to the firm beliefs of those before us. No matter what the world becomes in the upcoming decades, I hope that you remember the Christian values this university has taught you and become the leaders in your fields that your generation needs.
What will the world look like in the next 10 or 30 years post-COVID? Perhaps there will be only one human nurse, an examination robot, a transport robot, and a diagnostic physician robot in hospitals. At that time, I sincerely hope that all of you will be able to respond to the demands of the times and carry on the Christian spirit that "the art of knowledge, understanding, and love" represents.
Today, for 30 minutes after the ceremony, you will be allowed inside the Chapel, which has finished undergoing renovations. Please share your aspirations quietly in front of Dr. Teusler's picture.
Please keep in mind the mentality of “the more noble, the more humble” is one that must not be forgotten. This, I would like you to carry with you. The young, green rice plant grows and grows, eventually sprouting. And the more the rice plant matures, it faces downward, drooping as if it is crawling. This saying expresses that humans, too, become humble as their knowledge and virtue deepens.
I believe that those who have studied at St. Luke’s have the mentality and methods to see things through to the end. Stay humble, be proud of the fruits of your labor, and go forth towards the future.
Congratulations to the 35 Master‘s and 3 Doctoral Public Health graduates on your diplomas today, including our graduates from Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar, and Vietnam.
I would also like to say congratulations to the family and friends who so supported everyone here and long awaited for this day.
And to the patients who have supported their studies, the many healthcare and medical facility staff, the alumni association, and all those who have shown their support through scholarships and donations up to now, I hereby express my sincerest gratitude.
COVID-19 has affected every part of your studies here from classes to research. Some students were even forced to postpone their studies. Despite this, there were also positives. Changing to online has taught us the joy of face-to-face conversations and made studies more convenient. I am truly proud of all of you for the diligence and creativity you have shown that allows you to be here today.
This University has its origins in St. Luke's International Hospital, which was founded in 1901 by the American missionary physician, Dr. Rudolph Bolling Teusler. Dr. Teusler was only 25 years old when he was sent to St. Luke's, and despite the difficulties he faced, including the Great Kanto Earthquake, he managed the hospital by taking advantage of the characteristics of the Japanese culture and people.
St. Luke's International Hospital had begun activities in a department of public health, which was not established anywhere else at the time. The hospital then lobbied the city of Tokyo to establish it as an independent public health center, and in 1935, the public health center was finally made independent. The public health center established in Chuo Ward became the first model public health center in Japan. This culture of taking on challenges that no one else has done and leading the way has become this school's culture and has been passed down from generation to generation.
Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara, the former Chairperson of the Board of Trustees who passed away at the age of 105, also accomplished something that no one else had done. Forty years ago, the concept of "lifestyle-related diseases" did not exist. Dr. Hinohara continued to preach the importance of paying attention to lifestyle habits when considering the prevention of heart disease and stroke, and even though he was repeatedly denied by officials at Kasumigaseki, he paved the way by continuing to say and do so. This has led to today's preventive medicine and longevity society.
What will the world look like in the next 10 or 30 years post-COVID? Perhaps there will be only one human manager, an examination robot, a transport robot, and a diagnostic physician robot in hospitals. At that time, I sincerely hope that all of you will be able to respond to the demands of the times and carry on the Christian spirit that "the art of knowledge, understanding, and love" represents.
I believe that those who have studied at St. Luke’s have the mentality and methods to see things through to the end. Stay humble, be proud of the fruits of your labor, and go forth towards the future.
Shigeko Horiuchi
St. Luke’s International University