- Michiko Oguro, Sachiko Sakurai, Nyi Nyi Htay, Shigeko Horiuchi, Voices from undergraduate students and faculty members regarding the status and challenges of baccalaureate nursing education in Myanmar: A qualitative study,Nurse Education Today 109 (2022) 105253,
- Yumiko Igarashi a, Rika Fukutomi a,*, Beatrice Mwilike b, Shigeko Horiuchi a, Perceptions of mothers who experienced early skin-to-skin contact after repeat cesarean section in Tanzania: Pilot implementation, International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences 15 (2021) 100337
- Asako Noya, Michiko Oguro, Shigeko Horiuchi Professional learning using storytelling videos of childbirth experiences: A qualitative pilot study of student midwives' perceptions in Myanmar. Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2021;e12456.
- Yumiko Igarashi, Rika Fukutomi, Beatrice Mwilike, Shigeko Horiuchi Perceptions of mothers who experienced early skin-to-skin contact after repeat cesarean section in Tanzania: Pilot implementation. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences Volume 15, 2021, 100337
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- Shimoda K, Leshabari S, Horiuchi S. Self-reported disrespect and abuse by nurses and midwives during childbirth in Tanzania: a cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2020 Oct 6; 20(1):584. doi: 10.1186/s12884-020-03256-5. PMID: 33023499; PMCID: PMC7542114.
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- Ulfa Y, Takahata K, Horiuchi S, Exploring Indonesia's midwifery education curriculum change: Faculty voices, Bulletin of St. Luke's International University, 2021; 7: 47-56.
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- Miyauchi A, Horiuchi S, Nicaragua’s Casa Materna Support for Adolescent Single Mothers, Bulletin of St. Luke's International University,2021; 7: 165-170.
- Mwilike, B., Shimoda, K., Oka, M., Leshabari, S., Shimpuku, Y., Horiuchi, S.(2018). A Feasibility Study of an Educational Program on Obstetric Danger Signs among Pregnant Adolescents in Tanzania: A mixed-methods Study. International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences, 8, 33-43. doi:10.1016/j.ijans.2018.02.004
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- Nao Tanaka, Shigeko Horiuchi, Yoko Shimpuku and Sebalda Leshabari. “Career development expectations and challenges of midwives in Urban Tanzania: a preliminary study” BMC Nursing, 14, 27. doi:10.1186/s12912-015-0081-y
- Shimpuku, Y., Horiuchi, S., Leshabari, C.S., Mkoka, D., Nagamatsu Y., Matsutani M., Eto, H., Oguro, M., Yaju, Y., Iida, M., Mbekenga, C., Mselle L., Mtawa, A. (2015). Global Collaboration Between Tanzania and Japan to Advance Midwifery Profession: A Case Report of A Partnership Model, Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 5(11), 1-9. doi: 10.5430/jnep.v5n11p1
- Frida Madeni†, Shigeko Horiuchi*† and Mariko Iida† "Evaluation of a reproductive health awareness program for adolescence in urban Tanzania-A quasi-experimental pre-test post-test research" Madeni et al. Reproductive Health 2011
- Shimoda, K. “Prevalence of Nurses’ and Midwives’ Self-Reported Disrespect and Abuse of Women During Facility-Based Childbirth in Tanzania”. ECSACON 2018 (Nairobi, Kenya), SEP 3-6, 2018.
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- Shimoda, K. “Midwivesʼ Intrapartum Monitoring Process and Management Resulting in Emergency Referrals in Tanzania: A Qualitative Study.” the ICM Asia Pacific Regional Conference 2015 (Yokohama, Japan), July 20-22, 2015
- Shimpuku, Y., Horiuchi, S., Nagamatsu, Y. “Foundation of Global Cooperation in Graduate Midwifery Education – Lesson Learned from Experience in Tanzania and Development from now on -.” the 29th Japan Academy of Midwifery, March 28-29, 2014
- Shimpuku, Y., Horiuchi, S., Matsutani, M., Eto, H., Nagamatsu, Y., Oguro, M., Iida, M., Yaju,Y. “Partnership Model of Global Collaboration: The Shared Value of Humanized Childbirth in Tanzania,” 17th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (Manila, Philippines) February 20-21, 2014
- Takeuchi, S., Shimoda, K., Takahata, K., Nagamatsu, Y., Eto, H., Shimpuku, Y., Horiuchi, S. “Midwives’ perceptional changes at the “Humanized Childbirth” Seminar in Tanzania” The 15th Japan Academy of Human Care Conference (Tokyo, Japan), July 6-7, 2013
- Wakai, S., Shimpuku, Y., Iida, M., Nagamatsu, Y., Yaju,Y., Eto, H., Mori, T., Horiuchi, S. Tanzanian midwives’ Perceptions of “Women-Centered Care” at “Humanized Childbirth” seminar, the 27th Japan Academy of Midwifery (Kanazawa, Japan) May 1-2, 2013
- Shimpuku, Y., Horiuchi, S. “The Concept of “Humanization of Childbirth with Women-Centered Care (HC/WCC): Japanese Nurse-Midwives’ Application of the Concept to Global Health Research, Education, and Practice”, the 10th Annual National Conference, Asian American Pacific Islander Nurses Association, “Global Health: Nursing in the Future- Research, Education, and Practice” (Honolulu, Hawaii) March 19-20, 2013
- Shimpuku, Y. Horiuchi, S., Matsutani, M., Eto, H., Nagamatsu, Y., Iida, M., Yaju,Y., Mori, T. "Process report of the collaborative project to develop the Master's program in Midwifery in Tanzania: The seminar of "Humanized Childbirth" The 7th St. Luke's Academia (Tokyo, Japan) February 2013
- Shimpuku, Y. Horiuchi, S., Leshabari, S., Malima, K., Matsutani, M., Eto, H., Nagamatsu, Y., Oguro, M. Yaju,Y. "Starting a Midwifery Master's programme in Tanzania: Lesson learned from the collaborative project between Tanzania and Japan" The East, Central, and Southern African College of Nursing the 10th Scientific Conference (Port Louis, Mauritius) September 2012
- Shimpuku, Y. Horiuchi, S., Leshabari, S., Malima, K., Matsutani, M., Eto, H., Nagamatsu, Y., Oguro, M. Yaju, Y. "Process Report of a Collaborative Project between Tanzania and Japan to Develop a Master's Program in Midwifery" The 9th International Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery (Kobe, Japan) June 2012
- Shimpuku, Y., Horiuchi, S., Leshabari, S., Matsutani, Eto, H., M., Nagamatsu, Y., Oguro, M. "Collaboration between Japanese and Tanzanian Midwives to develop the First Midwifery Master's Course in Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Science, Tanzania: A Case Report" 2011 Joint Conference: 52nd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine, 26th Annual Meeting of Japan Association for International Health (Tokyo, Japan) November 2011
第42 回 日本看護科学学会学術集会 教育シンポジウム

アジア・アフリカ研究拠点形成事業の工夫と困難さ:学術振興会 (2011 2022)
Nne na Tano: The Story of Pregnancy and Childbirth、2014
Women-Centered Care in Midwifery Center Birth Aoba
Nagasaki University
Midwifery Training Course Second-year master's student
Mai Ishigami Misako Takahashi
Mori Midwifery Center
Nagasaki University
Nakamura Nanaho, Hirayama Keiko
- 新福洋子. (2015). 聖路加‐JICA大学連携から生まれる夢の実現の機会. Re, 10(188), 20-23.
- 新福洋子, 麓杏奈, 大場久美子, 川野嘉子, 新妻佑子, 岩井恵, 岡美雪, 長松康子, 堀内成子. (2015). 大学院ウィメンズヘルス・助産学 国際協働論演習タンザニアへの展開. 聖路加国際大学紀要, 1, 46-51.
- 下田佳奈, 新福洋子. (2015). アジア・アフリカ・ラテンアメリカの看護教育:第一回タンザニア:「人を助ける看護」を実践するための看護教育. 看護教育, 56(4). 348-352.
- 堀内成子, 新福洋子.(2015). JICAと聖路加のコラボレーション 新プログラムの紹介 国際保健の最前線で青年海外協力隊での活動と大学院での学びを同時に実現. 助産雑誌, 69(2), 134-136.
- 新福 洋子. (2014). タンザニア, ムヒンビリ健康科学大学での国際協同論演習から考察する“看護”の理論構築の重要性. 聖路加国際大学紀要, 40,35-41.